We enjoy a special monthly Contemplative Communion Service with a wonderful consort of musicians including Anna Borowska (mezzo soprano), Helma Sawatzky (recorders, whistle, flute, percussion), Paul Woodyard (piano), Ruth Des Cotes (vocals, mandolin/guitar) and Trish Pattenden (vocals, guitar), who lead us through a Communion liturgy of music, silence and meditation from the writings of various spiritual directors, past and present.
with Taizé-styled worship and meditations on prayer
Join us on the second Saturday of each month @ 7pm. Fairview Baptist Church, 1708 W. 16th Ave., Vancouver, B.C.
*Note: Contemplative services typically run from October through June. Watch the weekly email for updates on the next service.
for more information, email info@imagodeicommunity.ca