Books: Higher Than I

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from the Introduction to “Higher Than I”

To desire more of God than we’ve ever experienced. To pine for what seems essential to life, and yet so lacking in us. To know instinctively that we just barely understand and live what Jesus has in mind for the Christian life. This is what it means to seek “the rock that is higher than I.” Higher Than I” affirms our dissatisfactions with the spiritual life. There is more, and these meditations encourage us to press on in pursuit and longing for all that lies ahead.

In the tradition of Christian contemplatives and mystics from the early centuries to the present, Rob Des Cotes brings fresh insights to many familiar biblical passages, applying them to prayer and to the transforming work of spiritual direction. The numerous images and creative metaphors of the spiritual journey found in these concise and thought-provoking meditations are both contemporary while deeply rooted in the classics of Catholic, Orthodox and Reformation contemplative traditions.