Books: Strength to Strength


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from the back cover:

Those whose strength is in you,…
go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God in Zion.
– Psalm 84:5, 7

Too many Christians are more resigned than need be to a stumbling approach to spiritual growth. We presume that progress towards maturity happens by a “two steps forward, one step back” process. But the Biblical model doesn’t quite support this view. Instead Scripture speaks of “unveiled faces” that are being transformed “from glory to glory.” It imagines us as trees planted close to a stream, whose “branches never wither.” And it speaks of those whose hearts are “set on pilgrimage” who then go “from strength to strength until each appears before God in Zion.”

The meditations in this book encourage such proximity to Jesus and the cultivation of a steadfast prayer life that alone can “establish” us in Christ. They assure us that simply remaining in His love will not only produce vitality in the spiritual life, but also sustain it for the whole journey.