For anyone who has been introduced to the discipline of contemplative prayer there is great benefit and encouragement in meeting with others who share this longing.
To facilitate a weekly gathering of people in order to spend time in worship, prayer, discussion, silence and communion with others serves God’s purposes in us and we would encourage anyone whom the Lord is prompting in this direction to let us be a resource to you in hosting such a group.
It is not necessary to leave your home church to be a part of Imago Dei, which is why we meet at times other than Sunday mornings. For some, Imago Dei has become their main church expression, but for others we hope it is a resource that will allow you to serve elsewhere from a deeper place. Our vision is to simply encourage pockets of people who feel drawn to the contemplative life to band together as a resource to one another. Small groups are also being formed within churches, organizations, businesses and can contribute richly to the depth of these communities.
A weekly gathering of Imago Dei can include time for hospitality, sharing, singing, communion, prayer for one another, as well as a dedicated time for silence. This web site includes a growing list of resources for these activities including
The meditations on Scripture that we send out each week can also be used as topics for group discussion, as they generally apply to issues of prayer and the spiritual life. If you would like to receive these weekly meditations directly, please send an e-mail to:
At some Imago Dei fellowships, we often follow our gatherings with a pot-luck meal together. We’ve also benefited much from retreats as well as special “Community and Family” times.
Simply put, Imago Dei is a network of small communities of faith who gather weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly for the encouragement of real and sustained transformation in Christ. If you would like to consider being connected with us please let us get to know you and your desire to accompany others in this journey.