Imago Dei Groups

photo of Imago Dei house meeting

Imago Dei meets as a house fellowship in various locations across Canada and in other places in the world. If you would like information regarding current times or locations for any of our groups please check the weekly email list and contact the respective leaders as follows:

 Imago Dei Groups

If you would like information regarding current times or locations for any of our Imago Dei groups please contact the respective leaders as follows or check the weekly email:


  • The North Shore (Vancouver BC) Imago Dei meets every 3rd Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Contact Paul Woodyard (
  • Imago Dei @ A Rocha (BC) meets at 7:30pm in Surrey/White Rock at the A Rocha Field Study Center ( on the first and third Tue. of the  month.  Contact Ruth (
  • Delta Imago Dei meets from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month on Zoom. For additional information contact Tom and Kim Balke at:
  • The central Nanaimo Imago Dei will be meeting from 4:00 to 5:30 pm the 4th Sunday of the month. Due to Covid they are not meeting in person yet. Contact Dave at 778-239-2242 or at
  • Spiritual Direction Group at Fairview Baptist Church (Van.) meets every Wednesday at 12:30pm.
    Contact Julia Soong at for more information
  • Kingston Imago Dei meets the 1st Thursday of each month from 4:30 – 5:30 pm. For more information contact Dorothy Messenger at:
  • Campbell River (BC) Imago Dei meets every Tuesday night.  Contact  Kathryn Guenette
  • Winnipeg (Man.) Imago Dei meets on the first and third Monday of each month. Contact Mary Reimer at:
  • Tri-City Imago Dei Group meets in Port Moody on Thursdays at 7:15pm (or 6:45 for a pre-meeting social time). Contact Gillian Coates at:



  • Imago Dei in North Branford, Connecticut meets on Wednesdays. Contact Price and Peggy van der Swaagh (
  • Imago Dei in Miami, Florida meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 4pm. Contact Gary & Marlene Cameron at:

Besides our regular Imago Dei groups we have also encouraged other contemplative groups to form over the years.  These include:

  • Ancient Streams meets in Kelowna, BC.  Contact Nancy Keery at for information.

Monthly Contemplative Services: Imago Dei presents an evening of meditative worship, silent prayer and communion. Each month features meditations from the writings of various spiritual directors, past and present.  See our weekly email for details of upcoming services. 

First Saturday of every month

7pm, Fairview Baptist, 1708 W. 16th, Vancouver, BC.

 Note: During Covid, we have been meeting on Zoom, our liturgy enhanced by beautiful images. See our weekly email for more details.



From: “Linda Stanbridge” <>
To: “Rob” <>
Subject: Re: Imago Dei: Dec. 30, 2010
Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010 7:00 PMThanks so much for this word Rob, it certainly speaks to my heart in a very direct way.
Harry and I do wish you and Ruth a very blessed New Year.
We hope to see you here in Victoria this coming year for a wee visit.
I didn’t get much opportunity to talk at Christine’s, we look forward to a more opportune meeting together.
Rob please change the E-mail address on your site.
It is now linda.stanbridge@gmail.comGod Bless
On 2010-12-30, at 12:26 PM, Rob wrote:> IMAGO DEI: Dec. 30th, 2010
> Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.     Mat. 10:29
> When my son was two years old we used to play a game of trust where he would jump into my arms from the roof of our Volkswagen van.  I was the one who called it a game of trust.  He simply called it fun.  I would lift him onto the roof of our van, stand back a few feet, and then invite him to jump off.  Without a moment’s hesitation he would leap into my arms.  I would then take another step back from the van and call him to jump again.  And once more he would fly off the roof into my arms, laughing all the way. I remember doing this after church one Sunday and having a little crowd gather around to watch.  It was quite a spectacle to see.
> But I will always remember the last time we played this game together.  As we had done so many times before I put my son on the roof and waited for him to jump to me.  And then I saw it in his face.  Whatever thought entered his mind, I knew that it had introduced him to the notion of fear.  For the first time in his short life, he had entertained the possibility that I might not actually catch him. I could see the struggle between faith and doubt so evident in his hesitation.  It paralyzed him until I went over and helped him down from the roof.  And that was the last time we ever played this game together.
> It was inevitable that this moment would one day arrive but I wonder if God too has such memories of times when we have chosen fear over faith.  Does the Lord remember the first time He saw us hedging our bets, or setting up a back-up plan just in case He didn’t come through for us?  What does God see on our face whenever we entertain the possibility that He might not actually catch us?  And what would it take for us to return to that child-like trust where, without hesitation, we would gladly jump into God’s arms?  As you anticipate the coming year, how might this apply to something that God is inviting you to trust Him with?
> There is no more direct way of honouring another person than by expressing our trust in them.  We withhold trust when we are uncertain about a person’s motives or competence.  We hesitate to rely on someone if we’re not sure they can be counted on to deliver or to succeed in a task.  We lack confidence in someone if we doubt that their word or promises are really worth anything.  And we are naturally more cautious if we suspect a person’s intentions might not be in our favour.
> To exercise trust in God then is to express faith that God’s character is good, that He is up for the task, and that we expect Him to be faithful to His word.  It also honours God that we are at peace in the certainty that He has our best interests in mind.  Trusting God then is the most direct means we have of honouring the trustworthiness of His character.  In the coming year, the many ways by which we express such confidence in God’s faithfulness will surely be what most touches our Father’s heart.
> Rob Des Cotes
> (604)-87-IMAGO  (874-6246)
> Contemplative Communion Service
> Please note that our monthly first-Saturday-of-the-month Contemplative Communion Service will be held on the second Sat. of January (the 8th) @ 7pm.  We will return to our first Sat. schedule for Feb 5th’s service.  Fairview Baptist Church, 1708 W. 16th Ave.
> ID @ A Rocha
> The Imago Dei group at A Rocha will meet on Tue. Jan. 18th, 7:30pm at Brooksdale Manor, at the new A Rocha site.  Please reply to this e-mail for directions if needed.
> St. John of the Cross Seminars
> Imago Dei will be hosting a monthly series of three seminars on the teachings of St. John of the Cross.  These will be presented by Rob Des Cotes and will offer an introduction to John of the Cross’ spiritual theology as outlined in his three books The Ascent to Mount Carmel (Sat. Jan 22, 10am-4pm), The Dark Night of the Soul (Sat. Feb. 19, 10-4pm) and The Living Flame of Love (Sat. Mar. 19, 10-4pm).   Fairview Baptist Church, 1708 W. 16th Ave. (btw Burrard & Granville). By donation (sugg. donation $30).
> St. John in Chilliwack
> This first seminar (Ascent to Mount Carmel) will be presented through the Imago Dei group in Chilliwack on Sat. Jan. 15th, 10am-4pm @ Communitas Supportive Care #18,45966 Yale Road West Chilliwack.  To register contact Anne White or 604 855 2359
> Alpha Course
> If you  or anyone you know in the Vancouver area are interested in an Alpha program as part of your New Year’s resolution do make note of one starting at Fairview Baptist Church (1708 W. 16thAve.) from Thurs. Jan. 20th to Mar. 31st, 2011.  To register either e-mail the church at or register directly at
> Introduction to the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises (Jan. 27-29)
> Rob will be leading a three-day retreat of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises at Carey Theological College from Jan. 27-29. (Thurs. 7-9pm, Fri. 7-9pm, Sat. 9:30-4:30pm).
> Cost $89, includes lunch on Sat.  To register see
>  or call 604-224-4308.
> Imago Dei Groups
> If you would like information regarding current times or locations for any of our other groups please contact the respective leaders as follows:
> Vancouver Imago Dei meets every Sunday at 4pm.  Contact Paul Woodyard (
> Campbell River Imago Dei meets every Monday night.  Contact Tim & Michelle Harris (
> Imago Dei @ A Rocha meets at 7:30 in Surrey/White Rock at the A Rocha Field Study Center ( once a month.  Contact Sandee Brossard ( .
> Tri-City Imago Dei meets on Thursdays at 7:15pm (or 6:45 for a pre-meeting social time).  Contact Esther Hizsa (
> Kelowna Imago Dei meets every second Wednesday at 6:30pm.  Contact Al & Barbara Februar (
> Halifax Imago Dei  meets on Sat. mornings.  Contact Ian & Claire MacKenzie (
> Hong Kong Imago Dei  meets monthly. Contact Drago Lai (
> Winnipeg Imago Dei meets on the first Monday of each month. Contact Mary Reimer at
> St. John’s Imago Dei (Nfld.) meets every second Wed. at 7:30pm.  Contact Peter & Elaine Young  (
> Chilliwack Imago Dei meets every second Tue.  Contact Anne White at
>  Besides our regular Imago Dei groups we have also encouraged other contemplative groups to form over the years.  These include:
> Contemplative Group in Victoria meets every second Sunday at 2pm.  Contact Harry & Linda Stanbridge (
> Contemplative Group in West Vancouver meets every second Thursday night. Contact Christine Farris (
> Contemplative Group at Point Grey Community Church meets every Tue. night in Van.  Contact Brant Levert at
> Spiritual Direction Group at Fairview Baptist Church (Van.) meets every Thurs. at 12:30pm.  Contact for more information.
> Thank Offerings:   If you have benefited in any way from the ministries of Imago Dei we ask that you consider tithing to its work in the coming year.
> Our ministry is
> ·        to encourage a deeper spirituality in your life as a Christian
> ·        to help you recognize and welcome God’s transforming work in your life
> ·        to encourage a growing faith towards the life God is calling you to live in this
> world.
> We offer spiritual direction and various resources for groups or individual spiritual growth to all who desire encouragement.  We also represent a network of faith communities around B.C. that meet regularly for fellowship and support.
> If you would like to support the work we do, offerings can be made payable to Imago Dei Christian Community and either placed in the tithe basket at our Sunday meetings or mailed to 260 E. 24th Ave., Van., B.C., V5V 1Z6.  A tax receipt will be issued to you. Imago Dei is affiliated with the MB Church of BC.
> May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.           Psalm 90:17
> UPCOMING IMAGO DEI  (Vancouver area)
> Sun.  Jan. 2nd @ 4pm: Imago Dei (Vancouver) meets weekly for fellowship and communion.  For information please contact Paul & Paivi at  or (604) 985-7564.
> Please note that our regular first Sunday potluck will be postponed until next week for this month only.
> Sun.  Jan. 2nd @ 4pm: Imago Dei (Vancouver) meets weekly for fellowship and communion.  For information please contact Paul & Paivi at  or (604) 985-7564.
> ***Pot-Luck Sunday.  All are welcome.  Plan to contribute something to the pot and enjoy supper together following our fellowship time***
> Sat. Jan. 8th @ 7pm:  ‘Contemplative Communion Service’  featuring Taizé-styled worship, with meditations from Bernard de Clairvaux.  Fairview Baptist, 1708 W. 16th Ave.
> Sun.  Jan. 9th @ 4pm: Imago Dei (Vancouver) meets weekly for fellowship and communion.  For information please contact Paul & Paivi at  or (604) 985-7564.
> Tue. Jan. 18th @ 7:30pm: Imago Dei @ A Rocha (ID @ AR) meets in White Rock.  For directions or information please contact Sandee Brossard ( .
> Sat. Jan. 22nd, 10am-4pm:  St. John of the Cross seminar on The Ascent to Mount Carmel.  Fairview Baptist Church.  (see above)