Who are the Friends of Imago Dei Christian Community?
Some of you have supported us financially in the work we are undertaking. Some of you have been guests at either our monthly contemplative liturgical services. Some of you have participated in the Practice of Prayer ministry we offer or have attended our prayer retreats. Others have visited one of the Imago Dei house groups that meet around British Columbia or elsewhere. But above all, what makes you a Friend of Imago Dei is that, at some point, you expressed an interest in keeping in touch with what God is doing through us as we explore new ways of expressing Christian community.
As you can see, Imago Dei, is a multi-faceted network of communities. We are linked by the desire to be whatever Christ is expressing through us. We refer to Imago Dei as “a community drawn to Christ” and the uncompleted pen drawing by Rembrandt that we use for our logo truly represents the ongoing question that inspires us in all we do: “Who are we becoming in Christ?” We give Jesus the opportunity to answer this question for us as we know that our names are ultimately hidden in His. It is only in His Presence that we come to truly know who we are as individuals and as a community.
The Practice of Prayer
Through the Practice of Prayer ministry, spiritual direction, retreats and our monthly contemplative services (first Saturday of every month) we work to be a resource to the church at large, ministering to the roots of what it means to be a Christian, and cultivating the disciplines that have long led followers of Christ to the “living waters” He promised.
We believe that, in order to serve God in this generation, we must become true followers of His Spirit. In order to do so, we need to spend time in extended prayer to learn to be attentive to His promptings, in short, to take seriously Paul’s definition that only those who are led by the Spirit of God are living as the children of God. [Rom. 8]
A Community
At its core, Imago Dei is a multi-campus expression of Christian community. The prime meeting focus for the members of the church is in a variety of house settings where worship, teaching, prayer and communion take place on a weekly basis. The onus is on each of us to discover how the particular call on one’s life gets translated into creative ministry. In this way Imago Dei can truly be an incarnation of God’s Spirit, expressed in a rich diversity of ministries.
A Network
We have identified the Friends of Imago Dei as a way of keeping in touch with those that we assume may already have a church home. We hope that our ministry will serve as an encouragement resource for the work you do elsewhere.
Imago Dei intentionally meets at times other than Sunday mornings so as to not compete with the commitments that people already have to their home churches.
We do what we value
As you continue to visit us you will find that Imago Dei is a community:
- that values both the contemplative and proclamation directions of the gospel
- that is defined primarily by the activity of seeking and finding God in all things
- that is Communion-focused in its liturgy
- that is influenced by many Christian traditions
- that is creatively applied to needs beyond its own
We value your friendship
Thank you for your interest and support for what God is creating through His expression at Imago Dei. We welcome you to visit us for our public Contemplative liturgies at Fairview Baptist Church (1708 W. 16th in Van.) at 7pm on the first Saturday of each month.
If you would like to be notified of upcoming events, or would like to visit any of our home groups,
Email: info@ imagodeicommunity.ca
We hope you will continue to keep in touch with us. God’s blessing to you as He expresses Himself in your life.