Japanese Study Guides
We have begun translating some of our meditations and study guides into Japanese. Please feel free to forward this page to anyone you know who might benefit from these.
- The Colour of Rest.Ex.34.21
- Guidance for the Blind.Isa.42.16
- Fill it to the Brim.Jn.2.7
- Giving your all to God.Rom.12.1
- What do You want, Lord.1sam.3.10
- Being Good Ground for God.Mt.13.19-23
- Too Scattered to Pray.1Pet.4.7
- The Place where We Meet.Ps.85.10-11
- Knowing When you Need Help.Ps.23.3
- Hungry for More.Ps.61.2
- Braced for Growth.Prov.22.6
- Sitting in the Lowest Place.Lk.14.10-11